Bathroom Accessories

Sonia has a passion that goes beyond simply creating unique products for the bath. From accessories and furniture to basins, mirrors, and lights, Sonia believes in creating products with personality that improve people’s lives and their environment. This passion goes beyond the act of creation. Sonia’s concepts become products from abstract ideas, emotions, and insights that their designers have experienced in their everyday lives. If Sonia’s products could be thought of as living objects, then the Sonia spirit boldly flows through their veins, inspiring feeling, thought, and playfulness.

Didheya is dedicated to the design and production of accessories and decorative elements in stainless steel, aluminum and cast, with specific architectural and design expertise in the furniture industry. The Kursaal in San Sebastian and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbaoare two examples of unique buildings that have our accessories. We are inspired by functional designs in which the soundness of the materials plays a major role. Many of the products we have created are the result of close collaboration with renowned industrial designers, architects and furniture designers, and reflect contemporary aesthetics based on functionality and appeal.